"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you."
(Isaiah 54:10 NIV)
The imagery of mountains shaking is a powerful one. Something that seems so mighty and immoveable shouldn’t be trembling and swaying. But we can all relate to the tremors of fear, like the ground beneath our feet is unsteady, or that peace is far removed. Maybe some mountains have been shaken in your life this year. When that happens, it’s easy to feel like anxiety or pain are too overwhelming for God’s love to break through. Sometimes it seems impossible to truly know God’s love when it feels like the mountains are shaking around us.
But Isaiah reminds us that God’s love is steadfast. In fact, God promises love and peace. A love that is constant. A love that is not contingent on what’s happening in our lives or in the world around us. A love that breaks through our fears and our pain to reach us. For that reason, we can be confident in the unshakeable love of Jesus. May we make space to receive that love and let it wash over us so that we can bring that love to others this season.
(Isaiah 54:10 NIV)
The imagery of mountains shaking is a powerful one. Something that seems so mighty and immoveable shouldn’t be trembling and swaying. But we can all relate to the tremors of fear, like the ground beneath our feet is unsteady, or that peace is far removed. Maybe some mountains have been shaken in your life this year. When that happens, it’s easy to feel like anxiety or pain are too overwhelming for God’s love to break through. Sometimes it seems impossible to truly know God’s love when it feels like the mountains are shaking around us.
But Isaiah reminds us that God’s love is steadfast. In fact, God promises love and peace. A love that is constant. A love that is not contingent on what’s happening in our lives or in the world around us. A love that breaks through our fears and our pain to reach us. For that reason, we can be confident in the unshakeable love of Jesus. May we make space to receive that love and let it wash over us so that we can bring that love to others this season.