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Advent Day 6 - LOVE

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." 
(John 13:34 NIV)

Love is a characteristic of a disciple; one who follows Jesus, loves! In fact, Jesus says in the next verse, “everyone will know that you are my disciple, if you love one another.” Jesus said this right after having washed the disciples' feet to illustrate the humble nature of the love we are to show to one another. It was also after Judas decided to betray Jesus and set in motion events that were ripe for rebellion.

This is why his words about loving one another are so important at that moment, since the disciples would soon be tempted to rise up in anger to fight back. It is a “new commandment” because the “old commandment” was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, to live defensively and look out for one’s own interests. Jesus tells us to love without condition or pretense and shows us this by coming into the world in the most humble and vulnerable of ways…as a baby. It is love on display that sets the pace for us to go and love likewise.