"Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness."
(Isaiah 35:10 NLT)
Today's verse uses the word joy twice as a central theme. It says that the followers of God will be "crowned with everlasting joy!" Our mourning and sorrow will disappear and it will be replaced with joy and gladness. We know for many of us it is way easier to talk about joy than to actually live it. However, when we are with Christ, we are to be crowned with it!
For example, when a King or Queen wears a crown our eyes are drawn to the piece of hardware on their head and rightfully so! It defines who they are. Isaiah is saying the same about someone who follows God. Our crown of joy should radiate and draw others eyes towards it! People should know we are followers of God because of our joy! So for today, have you turned your sorrow and mourning over to God? Have you given God a chance to crown you with joy? Spend some time in silence and rest. Then ask God today to give you the crown of joy that only comes from him!