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Advent Day 16 - PEACE

"The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:26 NIV)

Face to face. You know this year we have been so separated, isolated in many ways. We have relied on technology like Zoom, Facetime, and Skype to keep us connected to the people we care about, so we can see them face to face. 

It’s important and comforting to look into the face of someone you love. It’s better than just hearing a voice or reading words on paper. This verse of blessing shows us that God’s face, the face of the one that loves you more than you know, the face of the one who created you, his face can bring peace to your life.  In fact, it’s the only face that can bring real and lasting peace.  

Here are some encouraging words: God’s face is always turned toward you, always available, full of love, forgiveness, grace, peace. So when you feel like you need some peace in your life, maybe you need a little facetime with the Father who loves you deeply, who loves you so much that he sent his son to a little town called Bethlehem. For you.