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Advent Day 14 - HOPE

"But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love."
(Psalm 33:18 NIV)

December is a dark month in Maryland. The sun sets early. The bitter wind gains strength. The darkness of December provides a fitting backdrop for the waiting of Advent. Humanity waits in the dark, wind howling, searching for light. How often do you find yourself wrestling in the dark waiting, grasping for hope?

Hope differs from optimism. The optimist focuses on circumstances, on what. Biblical hope focuses on who. Biblical hope focuses on the God who is with us in the dark. Hope trusts in the God whose presence brings light to even the darkest of places.  

Immanuel, “God with us,” meets us in our darkness and gently lifts our chin to view the light of God’s beauty. It is in this space that we are able to raise a hallelujah and worship despite the deep gloom. We trust God’s heart, strain no more, and rest in Hope while waiting for the light to break. 

Oh come Immanuel, abide with us.You alone offer Hope in the darkness. We worship you and wait with the expectancy Hope brings.