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Advent Day 12 - HOPE

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23 NIV)

I remember tubing years ago. Without warning, my tube flipped into the air as it crossed over a wave caused from a passing boat. Holding onto the handles of that tube as if my life depended on it, thoughts flashed in my mind of what could be in that water (like a big hungry fish thinking it was dinner time).

Just as tight as I held onto those handles, I want to hold onto God’s promises without wavering (no pun intended). Think about it- Jonah was eaten by a big fish, but didn’t God provide a way out? 

I’m constantly reminded of all the ways that God provides for me. His past faithfulness gives me hope for the future. Sure, there are days when I am discouraged and fearful, but am reminded that Biblical hope is when there is no evidence that things will get better, but we choose hope anyway! And when I choose hope, I am filled with peace. 

Friends, let us keep a firm grip on God's promises. He always keeps his word.