(1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NIV)
We often hear these words spoken as a bride and groom stand before their family on their wedding day. But what on earth does a scripture infamously associated with weddings have to do with Christmas? Well, scripture isn't intended to be "boxed in" by one occasion. It's meant to be something that brings meaning to every season of our lives. If advent really is a time to prepare our hearts for the coming Savior who, by definition, is love, shouldn't we know what love is?
Luckily this scripture tells us what love is and reminds us how we can put love into action. There is no greater way to learn how to love than to look to Jesus. You see, love was patient when Jesus was interrupted by a woman desperate for his healing touch. It was kind when he invited a social outcast named Zacchaeus to share the afternoon with him. Love did not boast when Jesus fed 5,000 people in one afternoon. So, how can we look to Jesus this season as we find ways to put love into action?